Can't find the Sacunay's around here so I will have ot wait until either a trip to Colorado or I order a pair and hope it is the right size. Try number one got me the Nike Mojo 7's, I need stability support and ended up with a nice feeling neutral so I tried ot run in them, got 2 miles and had hot spots and starting to get blisters I returned them for these the Asics GT2150.
Now a quick update I am just finishing BRM which is middle of week 4 and the hours suck and the runs are worse. typically there are 4 groups seperated by run time but by the time we end there is like 6 groups and the B group hasn't even made it out of the 8 min mile pace yet.
I am starting to enjoy this as I believe my PLT is going to receive the high BRM ( highest qualifying score ) and Marksmanship ( most qualified on a decided day ) about 30-40 of my 60 person PLT has qualified with 2 Experts ok now I am off to the gym